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Explore our tables of courses in Ireland and in the EU that can lead to your dream career

Discover Minimum Requirements, Alternative entry paths, and CAO point history.

Level 8 Degrees

Discover the ideal path for your academic journey with our Course Explorer, tailored for Level 8 courses in Ireland. This comprehensive tool offer detailed information on all honour degrees available to study in Ireland.

Level 7 Courses

Embark on your academic adventure with our Course Explorer, specifically designed for Level 7 courses in Ireland. This detailed resource provides extensive information on a wide array of ordinary degree programs available across Ireland.

Level 6 Courses

This essential tool for Level 6 Higher National Diploma courses in Ireland delivers comprehensive insights into the various stepping-stone programs available, ideal for progressing to Level 7 and Level 8 degrees.

National Tertiary Courses

Joint Tertiary Degrees developed by Higher Education Institutions and the Education and Training Boards provide transitioning pathways from Further Education to Higher Education which are driven by the career you want not the points.

EU Courses

Embark on a transformative educational journey by studying courses in the European Union (EU). The EU offers a rich tapestry of cultures and languages, making it an ideal destination for students seeking a diverse and inclusive learning environment

CAO Points Calculator

Our user-friendly CAO Points Calculator, specifically designed for Irish Leaving Certificate students.

Experience the World of Work

Peek into different careers with our virtual job shadowing. Try out VR experiences that transport you right into the heart of different industries – no magic carpet needed!

Join the Community

With our platform Compass, you can share stories, ask questions, and get advice from student or professionals who’ve been in your shoes. Compass is ready to support you on this adventure.

Our Mission

At MyCareerVerse, we empower students and parents to navigate higher education. Our platform simplifies complexities, fosters informed decisions, and inspires confidence in shaping the future.

Our Values

At MyCareerVerse, we're driven by empowerment, innovation, and accessibility. We provide essential tools, innovate through immersive VR exploration, and make education accessible for all. Our 'try before buy' approach guides informed decisions on the path to success

Our Guiding Principles

What MyCareerVerse Members Think About Us?​

Parents, we haven’t forgotten you!

MyCareerVerse is your partner in navigating your child’s career journey. We provide resources, advice, and a safe online space for your child to explore their future, with tools designed to support family conversations about education and careers.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get this journey started and light up your path to a future so bright, you’ll need shades!


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